ProEight Naval Architectural Specialist Sdn Bhd
Barge Stability Analysis
We has performed stability analysis for a range of veesels and structures.
ProEight uses the software package MOSES for hydrostatics and stability calculations as well as an in-house developed Excel sheet for simple hullforms such as barges.
Our Stability Services include:
Intact and damage stability analysis to Class and Authority approval.
Assistance on all aspect of floating stability.
An offshore transport can be divided into three phases, each having its own considerations. The first phase may be called on-loading and here the stability is important. The next phase is named the transport. Here the most important aspect is the motion responses of the barge to the physical environmental conditions. Especially the waves give the barge accelerations which may cause movement of the cargo. To prevent this movement seafastening has to be designed to withstand the forces created by the accelerations.
The last phase is the off-loading. Here resonance is the main problem. This phenomenon may cause large motions and accelerations and thereby cause the whole operation to be postponed. The stability analysis is used to decide the intact stability and the damaged stability. The results are compared with criteria given in DNV(1996) and Noble Denton (2005). The requirements states whether the operation is secure according to the stability principle.
Intact Stability: Intact Stability criteria are checked as per IMO, GL Noble Denton, and DNV rules based on types of vessel.
Damage Stability: The Damage Stability includes the stability calculation after damage of compartments during the voyage of the vessel.
Load Condition (Mean draft, Trim, and Heel)