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ProEight Naval Architectural Specialist Sdn Bhd

Barge Motion Analysis

We specialises in the prediction of wave-induced motions for all types of marine vessels and floating structures, including ships, barges and buoys.


The motion analysis software package MOSES is commonly used for slender ships/barges. The hydrodynamic simulation package MOSES is used when a higher degree of precision is required.


Typical applications include:


  1. Prediction of wave induced motions of installation barges for use in the design of catenary mooring system.

  2. Prediction of design extreme motions for use in structural designs for transportation.

  3. Predictions of motion response along with statistical analysis to determine downtime caused by limitation of equipment utilized in weather-sensitive marine operations.

  4. Derivation of wave and motion-induced loadings, cargo slamming.

  5. Structural analysis of marine vessel.


The motion response analysis uses physical environment conditions given by GL Noble Denton to find the accelerations due to the motions. The sea-fastening need to be designed according to these accelerations to have secure transport.


Motion analyses were performed using 3D diffraction solver MOSES.

© 2016 by ProEight Naval Architectural Specialist Sdn Bhd.

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